Boston College Law students began providing free legal services in the late 1960s and have since continued commitment to social justice and service to the community through their work.  This legal clinic was the first of many clinical programs that are now part of the Law School’s offerings.  While each of our clinics specializes in a different area of law, all are dedicated to teaching law students to provide high-quality legal services to clients.

In 2014, several of the Law School’s clinics came together to form an in-house law firm called the Boston College Legal Assistance Bureau (LAB).  The clinics that made up the LAB at its inception were the Civil Litigation Clinic, the Community Enterprise Clinic, the Immigration Clinic, the Juvenile Rights Advocacy Program, and the Ninth Circuit Appellate Project.  Since then, the firm has seen the departure of our Juvenile Rights Advocacy Program and Ninth Circuit Appellate Project as well as the addition of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Clinic and the Civil Rights Clinic.  Our Civil Litigation Clinic has also expanded and created three separate divisions specializing in Child Health and Education advocacy, Family Law, and Housing Justice.  


Here at the LAB, law students provide free legal services to low-income individuals and families under the direction of a supervising attorney.  The firm’s staff now includes 15 supervising attorneys, 50-60 law students, a fiscal specialist, a paralegal, a clinical fellow, and graduate level social work students who work as part of the legal team under the supervision of a licensed social worker.