frequently asked questions


Who can become a client?

It depends on what kind of legal problem you have.

If you have a housing problem, want a divorce, or are having a problem with special education matters, you must be low-income and live in Waltham, Watertown, or Newton.

If you are looking for help with the kind of legal issues handled by our transactional clinics (CEC and EIC), you must live in the Greater Boston area and not be able to afford a private attorney.

If you have an immigration problem you must be referred by attorneys or other social and legal services providers.


When will I hear from Someone?

In most cases, if you have called our office directly, you should hear back from someone within 48 hours.


How much does it cost?

Our legal services are free in most cases.

In some cases, you may be required to pay certain court fees or filing fees.


Can I just call with a question?

Unfortunately, because we have limited staff and we receive so many calls and handle so many cases, we do not have attorneys or student lawyers available to answer questions over the phone unless you are our client.


Who can I contact if I am low-income and BC Legal Services LAB cannot help me? 

Below are links to other organizations and referral services that may be able to assist with your legal needs.


Massachusetts Legal Services




Legal Advocacy and Resource Center (LARC)


Greater Boston Legal Services


Volunteer Lawyers Project


Lawyers for Affordable Justice


Who can I contact if I am over-income for free legal services and I need a lawyer?


Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service

617-654- 0400 or 866-627-7577


Boston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service

617-742-0625 or 800-552-7046


Lawyers for Affordable Justice